
4 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month

Did you know April is Earth Month? This spring month is dedicated to advocating for a greener, healthier earth (even though every month should be earth month). Here are a few creative ways you can celebrate and make the world a little greener this month.

2 Worlds, 1 Choice

Whichever you focus on—either the arising, awakening, and creation of the new, or the havoc, eruption, insanity, and destruction of the old—is the reality you will experience. 

While an illusory world based on the beliefs of separation is coming to the surface to be disintegrated by the collective expansion of heart-intuited awareness, the collapse of these outdated systems will not go down smoothly. The good news is that you may experience that havoc, or not. 

7 Ways to Help the Earth in 2017

There are many areas, beings, and aspects of our Earth that need care and protection from the harmful effects of human civilization. Luckily, there are numerous ways each of us can help out the Earth in 2017:    

1. Engage with Your Local Environmental Organizations

Emanating Earth: A Short Story

Going into the woods makes me feel alive. I don’t know if it is because nature is so full of life or if it is the connection that exists between raw nature and ourselves. It is very difficult for a lot of people to walk through the woods and stay angry. I believe that’s because in a natural environment, more often than not, it is peaceful and serene.