juniper berries

Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Fantastic Conifer Oils

I recently wrote on citrus essential oils, my favorite oils for scent. Now, we’ll move on to conifer essential oils, another group I love. These are uplifting and motivating, and they blend beautifully with citrus oils for both scent and energetics.

The Uncommon Spice: Juniper Berries

When you think of berries, you probably imagine plump blueberries or succulent strawberries picked at the peak of perfection. It is not often that juniper berries, which are not truly berries at all, come to mind. These antioxidant-rich, heart-healthy “berries” are actually a bitter spice originating from the female seed cones that come from juniper plants, a type of conifer, which is a cone-bearing shrub or tree.