
Meatless Monday: This Easy Cantaloupe Sorbet = Perfect Summer Dessert

When it’s hot outside and you want to cool down without making too much fuss, there’s nothing quite like ice cream. Unfortunately most store bought ice cream is filled with additives that many of us deem undesirable. On the other hand, if you try to go the homemade route you’ll quickly discover that most recipes require an ice cream maker, which many of us don’t have; plus they call for generous amounts of sugar.

Superfood 101: Honeydew Melons!

Honeydew melons are a member of the family Cucurbitaceae of the genus Cucumis in the species Cucumis melo var. Further clarification of honeydew melon is that they are a member of the Gourd family and the nomenclature in America is derived from the White Antibes melon that has been cultivated in southern France and Algeria. In these regions honeydew melons have been grown since the late 15th century.

Superfood 101: Galia Melon!

Galia melon is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae and is a hybrid of the muskmelon. The plant was developed in Israel at the Ne´ve Yaar Research Center of the Agricultural Research Organization in the 1960s by melon breeder Dr. Zvi Karchi and was ready for commercial production in 1973. Within ten years it gained popularity throughout western Europe.

Superfood 101: Cantaloupe!

Cantaloupe is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae, commonly known as the Cucumber family of the genus Cucumis L. or melon P. and contains eight species. It is said that cantaloupe originated in either Persia, Afghanistan, or Armenia. It is known that the Egyptians cultivated the plant in 2400 B.C.E.

Superfood 101: Crenshaw Melon!

Crenshaw melons are listed in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the family Cucurbitaceae or the cucumber family of the genus Cucumis L., commonly known as melon in the species Cucumis melo L. or cantaloupe.

Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet: 7 Natural Muscle Healers

We have all had to deal with sore, stiff, and achy muscles – they’re a fact of life. It is nice to know there are foods you can add to or increase in your diet to help ease your pain. Any foods that provide a substantial amount of magnesium are great for the muscles. Magnesium maintains proper nerve and normal muscle function.

Here is my list of 7 Natural Muscle Healers and Relaxers: