
Superfood 101: Pineapple!

Pineapple is a member of the family Bromeliaceae or Bromeliad family of the genus Ananas Mill, also known as pineapple P, containing the species Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. or pineapple P.  The plant is native to Brazil where it is known as ananas, the Brazilian Tupi Indian word meaning "excellent fruit"—this term is used throughout the world.

Herbs & Natural Remedies For Pain

As someone who has been living with chronic pain for years, I’m slowly learning that nature has all the answers. We just need to ask the right questions and be willing to listen—listen to our bodies, to our minds, and to our souls. In our lifetime, we all go through physical and mental pain—not to mention heartache. And nature has everything that we need to heal, ready and waiting. 

Beat The Heat With These Popsicle Recipes

Too hot for anything? How about making some fruity and delicious popsicles that beat the heat and raise the family's health and fun quotient?

With summer here and the kids at home, popsicle expenditure can go through the roof! We are kidding about that, but making popsicles at home is, in fact, a healthier and cheaper option than the store-bought ones. So here are five easy-to-make, healthy popsicle recipes to enjoy all through summer!

Spring Detox Smoothie

When spring arrives, I can't help but think about cleaning up my eating habits. After all, spring detox is a thing (along with spring cleaning, which technically is a detox for your home). That's why I’m sharing with you a smoothie packed with nutrients your body will love. Drink it in the morning and you'll give your body a much-needed boost of energy to get you through the day.

13 Easy, Healthy Ways To Naturally Flavor Water

Looking to add a little excitement to your glass of water? Many of the products used for flavoring your water are unnatural and often contain chemicals you wouldn’t want to put in your body. If you are interested in finding alternatives, check out these 10 neat ways to naturally flavor your water.

Rosemary and Watermelon

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: 7 Plants For Holistically Treating Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that is caused when too much uric acid crystallizes and makes deposits in the joints. Gout causes swelling, redness, tenderness, and severe pain in joints. The attacks often spring about rather suddenly and occur more often at night than in the day compared to arthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis, which eases into aches and pains throughout the day.

May's Bounty: 5 Things You Should Eat This Month

May tends to be a pretty cool month because it’s not really “cool” at all. That’s right! It’s time to rejoice in the fact that warm sunshine is basically going to be a thing now—at least for the next five months. (Did I mention I live in California?)

DIY Organic Homemade Baby Food

Making a baby transition from milk bottles to his/her first solids can be quite a task. Here are some easy, time-proven ideas…


Recipe: Pineapple Curry (Vegan)

As a big fan of pineapple and chili, this is my absolute favorite curry recipe. But even if you are not a fan like I am, simply leave out the chili and pineapple to enjoy the rich veggies and flavorful curry sauce. The coconut milk blends deliciously with the curry for a creamy and complex-tasting dish that is easy to make. Enjoy!

Pineapple Curry (Vegan)

*Serves two.


1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil

1 medium Onion, chopped

½ cup of Pineapple, cut into small chunks

Superfood 101: Hemp Seeds!

The hemp plant has been cultivated for approximately 12,000 years and is one of man’s earliest crops. The benefits of the seeds have been known for about 3000 years, where it has been used medicinally and is a dietary mainstay in China. Hemp seeds are a compete protein containing all twenty amino acids.