first aid

Meet The Weeds: Chickweed As Food & Medicine

Chickweed (Stellaria media) is an often-overlooked medicinal weed (or, it’s a weed if you don’t live in Europe or Asia).  “Stellaria” refers to flower appearance while “Chickweed” refers to the fact that chickens and other birds like to eat it.  

Natural Alternatives To Antibiotic Ointment

Last week I found myself applying Neosporin after scraping my ankle on a sharp rock during a trail run. As someone who prefers to turn first to holistic healing methods, I was surprised that I didn’t have any alternatives on hand—or so I thought.

Witchin’ In The Kitchen: Making Infused Oils For Medicine, Beauty, & Cooking

An “infused oil” is a vegetable oil in which herbs, spices, or plant resins have been infused.  They’re fun to make and immensely useful.  First, let’s look at uses, then how to make an oil, and finally, I’ll share some of my favorite oils.

Superfood 101: Goji Berries Overflow With Antioxidants

There’s more to those little red berries on top of that smoothie bowl than you may know!

5 Easy Plants For Your First Aid Garden

When I first started studying botanical medicine, I was at work and got a call from my then-boyfriend asking which plant in the yard was yarrow.  He had cut his hand and wanted to do some first aid to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. This wasn’t the first time.  Having a garden of first aid plants really comes in handy.  Beyond adding beauty to your surroundings, you have at hand easy and effective remedies for everything from cuts and abrasions to insect bites, burns and digestive distress.  H

Got Road Rash? Fix It Quick With This All-Natural Blend!

Recently, a client was hauling it very quickly down a hill on his road bicycle and took a trip over the handlebars.  Unfortunately, spandex doesn’t do much to protect the skin and he wound up with some pretty nasty road rashes, something most cyclists are familiar with (or may be at some point if not yet).   

First Aid For Your Dog

Summertime is a great time to get outside with your dog. Seeing your dog rolling in the grass, swimming in the lake, or just playing in the backyard can bring so much joy!

However, accidents can happen -- and they can happen to your pet as well. Being prepared for a medical emergency is vital -- not only for yourself but for your dog, too.

Signs From Mother Earth: A Wasp Sting’s Wisdom & Remedy

There are often parts of our lives that we dislike and events that take place that we wish did not happen. Anything that causes pain or discomfort — whether it be physical, emotional, or energetic — is something that we as humans generally try to avoid as much as we possibly can. And this is perfectly natural, logical, and reasonable –  for who wants to invite pain and suffering into their world? And yet, pain is a natural part of living. We suffer in order to grow, and we learn from the many unpleasant happenings and interactions that take place in our lives.