
Mantras That Matter: Shiva & Invoking The Grace Of Change

Sometimes life calls for a breaking down of the old reality in order to facilitate the birthing of the new. This is not always a pleasant realization to have and yet, using the power of mantra, such a time can transform from something potentially painful and full of resistance into a supportive experience of the transcendent new.


Mantras That Matter: Chanting For Protection & Healing

As turbulence shook and rattled the cabin I chanted the Mahamrityunjaya mantra silently to myself to offer protection, to myself and to the entire plane. I had done the same thing in buses and car rides in India, when the terrain was so uncertain, when the cliffs were only inches away and I had no other way to comfort myself. We had chanted this mantra weekly during my time at the ashram and I had felt its power.

Mantras That Matter: Lakshmi Mantra For Wealth & Abundance

Wealth is more than money. We are all connected to an unlimited source of wealth and abundance just by being divine humans—the trick is we have either blocked it, forgotten it, or both. It is a natural state of being to access the wealth of the universe in all its many forms simply because we are a part of it and we ARE it. On a very real level, the universe is within us as much as we are within the universe.