mindful eating

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

10 Ayurvedic Tips To Ground Vata While Traveling

Travel is a beautiful mix of exhilarating and exhausting. Our curiosity guides us to faraway places, foreign lands, new relationships, rituals unknown, food we’ve never tasted, novelty experiences…you name it.

The Health And Community Benefits Of Farm To Table Dining

While eating your dinner, you are probably focused on the hectic day you had or listening to someone else’s rant. You might be serving everyone and holding off eating until everyone is happy. You might be proud of the meal you prepared. But did you ever think about where it all came from? Your salad could have lettuce from California. Your potatoes might be from Idaho. Your stew has ingredients from all over the world.

Your Easy-Yet-Indulgent Holiday Party Guide to Mindful Eating

When the holidays kick into full gear, we can expect parties, office treats, and sugar cookies galore. What's a mindful eater to do with so much extra stimulus? Here's how to fully enjoy the holiday season while still fitting into your sweaters.

Have a signature dish.

3 Reasons Why Slow Living Is the Right Choice

Slow living is deeply connected to the holistic wellness movement. It focuses on sustainable, local, organic, and whole ingredients, as well as taking the time to cook and enjoy each meal with the people we love. Instead of rushing to get our own five-minute dinner made before we’re on to the next thing, we come together to nourish our bodies and spirits. A slow living diet is equal parts delicious seasonal meals and telling stories about our day around the table.

The Yoga Of Eating

The Yoga of Eating

From morning until nightfall and sometimes beyond, the practice of eating can either be done consciously or unconsciously. When done without awareness, eating can contribute to symptoms of dis-ease in the body, but if approached with care and conscious attention, eating can be yet another way to practice yoga.

Wash Your Bowl: 5 Ways to Eat More Mindfully

Just like many other daily activities, eating can be approached from a mindful perspective that enhances the experience. Here are 5 ways to eat more mindfully:

1. Tune in