The August 26th Full Moon will be a culminating point of everything you’ve worked for in the last year. You will feel as if you are on a mountaintop looking back over the previous year—and forward to the next year.
With energetic Mars getting ready to move forward after a 2-month retrograde just hours after the Full Moon, and with communicative Mercury having resumed forward motion on August 18, the energy will be ripe for forward movement. Prepare to take action!
Additionally, we are just two weeks away from the traditional New Year of the Hebrew calendar (Rosh Hashanah, literally the Head of the Year), which annually occurs at the Virgo New Moon (Sunday, September 9, 2018). The Virgo New Moon is considered the start of a new year because Virgo supplies the energy for self-examination and course correction. Once we look back and take stock, and make appropriate adjustments, we are equipped to move forward with greater vision and purpose at the subsequent Autumn Equinox, which occurs with the passage of the Sun into the activating air sign of Libra on September 22. This will be a fortunate moment to launch new ideas, relationships, business proposals, and travel. Expect to have many exciting adventures, relationships, and new discoveries!
Self-Analysis & Accomplishments
The Full Moon on Sunday, August 26 features the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. This celestial combination opens the way for self-analysis and surrender to a divine healing power.
You also will get a lot done at this Full Moon, under the influence of a celestial triangle formed in the heavens between the expressive Sun in the hard-working earth sign of Virgo, disciplined Saturn in the super-disciplined earth sign of Capricorn, and innovative Uranus in the practical and sensible earth sign of Taurus. Energetic Mars in the earth sign of Capricorn until September 10, even though retrograde until Monday, August 27, will supply the power you need to swing into action. Determined Pluto also is in accomplishment-oriented earth sign of Capricorn until 2024. So, you will feel the energy to push forward through previously-perceived obstacles.
Earth signs provide stability and a sense of a strong foundation from which to launch your new ideas in concrete form. You will feel the inspiration to make things happen—rather than talk about making things happen. This is a time of concrete physical manifestation. Only apply the brakes if you feel there is a practical piece of a project missing. Then, take care of the practical details and prepare to move ahead.
Relationships & Commitments
Loving Venus is in the harmonious air sign of Libra at the August 26 Full Moon, making this a good time for romance and long-term commitments. If you are thinking about entering a new relationship—or tying the knot—September is the perfect month for relationship harmony. The August 26 Full Moon is the right moment to set the stage for your amorous intentions!
Lucky Jupiter in Scorpio until November 8 will strengthen your ability to commit to what you believe in and what deeply feels right. The only thing to watch out for is “all-talk-and-no-action.” There may be a lot of verbosity going on this month. But make sure it can be backed up by concrete action. The earth energy will demand proof to back up otherwise-inspiring statements. These statements can easily proliferate under the energy of communicative Mercury in boastful Leo making a potent angle with expansive Jupiter in Scorpio at the August 26th Full Moon.
Do This During The Full Moon
Healthwise, the month of Virgo (August 22 to September 22) is just the right moment to perfect your health regimen and dietary regime. Virgo favors grains and products of the earth, vegetables, and legumes. This is a good time for a cleansing diet or detoxification program. You will make significant strides toward your weight loss goals under the Virgo energy if you stick to your dietary goals and commitments. The energy of the August 26 Full Moon is oriented to health and wellness. Try out a multitude of healing modalities to see what fits you best, such as acupuncture, shiatsu, crystal healing, chakra balancing, or even an ionic foot bath!
Also take advantage of stargazing under the night sky. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be visible during the rest of August and September—if you look south, along a trajectory that runs from the point where the sun sets in the west to where it rises in the east—Venus is blue-ish; Mars is yellow-orange-ish; Jupiter is bright; and Saturn appears smaller and fainter. The close proximity of these celestial bodies to earth heightens their influence on our daily affairs!
Get ready for a new beginning at the Full Moon of September 24, also known as the Harvest Moon, when the Moon rises at an angle that makes it appear closer to the Earth than normal. This is the perfect time for the new energies of the fall season to fuel your love interests and career ambitions!