
Composting Tips, Tricks & Hacks

Started composting already? Well, the plants, the soil, and the Earth thank you for it. But let’s up the composting game with a few well-placed hacks and tips!


3 Reasons To Ditch Plastic For Good

It's almost impossible to completely avoid plastic nowadays. It's everywhere—in our beds, in our clothes, and even in our food. But we can do our best to avoid it as much as physically possible. You might be wondering why it matters? Here are three reasons you should kiss plastic goodbye.


Over Spending? Try Balancing Your 2nd Chakra

With the holidays behind us and the energy of the SUN focusing the majority of its influence on the southern hemisphere, it’s a good time to look inward and track where our energy is losing potency.

The way we spend money is a wonderful opportunity to see how efficient our energy is running.

Money is Energy.

How Living Abroad Boosts Your Productivity & Motivation

If you’re like most of us, you probably feel that your work habits and productivity are not near their full potential. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, boredom with your tasks, a feeling of mental/emotional depletion, or just struggling with time management—we all get to a place in our work lives where we feel somewhat stuck. Many successful people have overcome this—or avoided it completely in the first place—by moving to another country…preferably as far away as possible.

Natural Spring Cleaning: Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Once crocuses and hyacinths begin to bloom, I’m itching to scrub my floors, vacuum my carpets, and otherwise shed the layer of dust that winter has brought. It’s spring cleaning time!

How To Travel On A Budget

In these economically shaky times, traveling is a luxury few can afford and yet a holiday is the best bet to bust away the blues. Traveling can add so much to your life – from learning new things, expanding your inner vision, making you more appreciative and spiritual and basically making you connect with the beauty of the humanscape, as well as Mother Earth.

Superfood 101: Rutabaga!

Admittedly, the rutabaga is a homely vegetable with a fun-to-say name. You’ve probably seen them in the produce section, and quickly walked by, avoiding a direct look at them in case they might turn into fairytale trolls out to get you. So call them by their other name, swedes, and keep reading.

Snack Recipe: Roasted Chickpeas

The first time I had a roasted chickpea was a game changer. A salad of delicate mixed greens drizzled with balsamic dressing was topped with none other than roasted chickpeas. Ever since that salad, I can't stop eating them.

How To Eat Organic On A Budget

Organic foods have become increasingly popular in the last decade or so. More and more supermarkets are offering “organic sections,” and some. people are paying whatever they can to access organic products.

Organic foods present several health benefits. Their biggest claim to fame is their non-use of pesticides, so consumers don’t have to worry about ingesting chemicals or poisons. Others like the connection of the food, and enjoy supporting the farm-to-table notion.