
A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


8 Natural Remedies For Bad Dog Breath

Dogs have a bit of a reputation for having stinky breath.  We get it—they tend to eat a lot of gross things.  And the whole lack-of-opposable-thumbs thing makes it difficult for them to brush and floss their own teeth.

Iodine Supplementation: More Is Not Better

Iodine. It’s a component of thyroid hormone, critical for fetal and childhood growth and development. It also regulates metabolism, digestion, heart function, reproduction and many other aspects of adult health. Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) will result if someone is deficient in iodine, and can also result from other issues. Most of us in the West have enough iodine, though studies have found that a significant number of pregnant or lactating women in the U.S.

The Best Plant-Based Foods For Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to our health. Keeping the heart healthy, the nervous system in check, and our cholesterol levels down, Omega-3s are a friend to the body. One of the best sources known for Omega-3 is fish. If you are vegetarian and vegan, however, this presents a problem. As someone who has primarily a vegetarian diet, I myself have had to be conscious of knowing where my Omegas are coming from.

Superfood 101: 3 Superfoods Currently Enjoying the Spotlight

Superfoods will always be a thing: That's because they're loaded with important nutrients humans need to flourish, such as fiber and vitamins. These nutrients can lead to overall better health and even fight diseases.

3 (Delicious) Ways to Enjoy Algae

Algae is all the rage. After being named a superfood for its amazing nutrient profile, fertilizing vegetables, acting as an anti-aging cream for our skin, feeding astronauts, and potentially becoming the fuel of the future, it’s hard not to be impressed with this microalgae.

So why aren’t people eating it by the spoonfuls?

Easy Miso Soup: A 4 Ingredient Recipe

If you frequent Japanese restaurants as much as me, you know how delicious miso soup is. If you want to save a buck, or eat at home for a change, this is the recipe for you. It should make about 4 servings and will literally take 15 minutes to make. You never want to cook miso soup too long because otherwise the seaweed will turn to mush. Also, feel free to double or halve this recipe to make the desired amount you're looking for. Don't feel bad about making or eating too much though: This recipe is only around 22 calories per serving!


superfood 101: Kelp!

Seaweed is often touted as some of the most nutrient dense food in the world. Seaweed has been used for centuries in the Far East and India, but only in the late 20th Century did it become popular in the United States where its primary introduction was during the health food trend in the 1970s. Today it is a popular addition to sushi. Seaweed is a term that defines many plants that grow in the ocean. Kelp is one of these.

10 Foods to Detoxify Your Body

If you’re anything like me, you probably go through phases from time to time. When I say “phases,” I mean periods of time where you crave greasy and/or sugary junk food, and cringe at the thought of eating something even remotely healthy. It’s okay; it means we’re human.

Superfood 101: Seaweed

Let's talk sea vegetables. There are many out there who are skeptical when it comes to eating weeds -- let alone weeds out of the ocean. And yet, any sushi lover plops the stuff in their mouth like popcorn, no questions asked. Seaweed may not look appealing to most in its natural form, but the benefits highly outweigh any reservations one may have about consumption.