
How To Use Tarot & Lenormand To Develop Intuition: An Interview With Emily Rose

Photo courtesy of Emily Rose

All other photos by Shiraz Leyva


Why Hindu Goddess Sita Was A Feminist

For those of you who know a bit about the legend of Rama and Ramayana, Sita (Rama’s wife and the avatar of Lakshmi) was no lily-livered woman of yore. She put men firmly into place, and despite all the emotional trauma, stayed on top like a badass feminist…

Frankly speaking, while I am a Hindu, I am a bit of an atheist. Or rather, I like to call myself a non-conforming spiritualist. My faith teaches me about many a God & Goddess and yes, if I need to turn to divinity for guidance or a shoulder to cry on, I choose to look upon the idol I like and find commonality with.

Essential Oils: Frankincense & Living Your Dharma

Trapped in a pattern of feeling limited in my body and unsure of how to move forward with a true sense of purpose and self-worth, I reach for a bottle of Frankincense oil as my life-coach had instructed. It is supposed to help with this kind of stuff. Why is it so difficult to believe in myself and what I came here to do? Lifting the lid and inhaling deeply something powerful within me begins to shift.

Essential Oils: Physical & Spiritual Properties of Ginger

Preparing to step onto the stage, butterflies in my stomach, fear seeking to grip my frame, I reach for a vial of ginger essential oil stashed in my purse pocket. Dropping a few drops into the palm of my hand and rubbing it gently, inhaling the essence, I can immediately feel a sense of shifting. My feet plant more firmly into the ground and my spine straightens. Suddenly, overcome with confidence, preparing for this moment, I find myself elevated into the state of empowerment I know is normal for me,  and I step onto the stage.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [Bringing Home the Dharma: Awakening Right Where You Are by Jack Kornfield]

Bringing Home the Dharma: Awakening Right Where You Are

by Jack Kornfield

Bringing Home the Dharma is a compelling historical and personal exploration of the nature of the mind, and it contains teachings and perspectives that are important for our times. You don’t need to move to an ashram or monastery to find inner peace and wisdom. “Your life, just as it is, is the perfect place to be,” Jack Kornfield shares.

How to Construct Your Life like a Hindu Temple

In India, temples are constructed with intention and obvious care utilizing the Science of Dwelling known as Vastu Shastra. The way the temples are built is meant to both reflect and inspire connection to the One Divine Source of creation as it also manifests within each person. By silently emitting a frequency and sacred geometry of balanced practical life merged with liberation, the Hindu temple is the perfect example of how to construct your life in alignment with universal balance.