
Essential Oil Essentials: The Best Aromatherapy Scents For Parties

Essential oils are a great way to ease social interactions, which makes them great for the multitude of gatherings that happen during the holidays.  Oils can also be used to set the tone for work meetings, one-on-one conversations, and in my own case, trying to sell my home.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: The Rose Family

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) the Rose family or Family Rosaceae has 582 genera offering a multitude of flowers with various characteristics to add depth and interest in any garden. Of the contents of the genus Rose L. this article will discuss several of the many species it contains. Many of these plants can be grown in containers, providing floral décor throughout the year.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Roses

Roses are a member of the family Rosaceae or Rose family of the genus Rosa L. or rose P. The plant has approximately 150 natural species and is native to the Northern Hemisphere from Alaska to Mexico and northern Africa. Fossil evidence has found the rose to be thirty-five million years old. It is thought that the first garden cultivation of roses took place 5000 years ago in China.

Natural Sunburn Relief: 4 DIY Skin Soothers Featuring Aloe Vera

When the weather gets hot and the sun's rays get intense, it might just leave you with a sunburn. While you should definitely be applying sunscreen while out and about, sometimes sunburns are unavoidable. Here are four DIY skin soothers for sunburns you can make yourself. 


How To Harvest & Dry Flowers & Herbs

Do you have an herb or flower garden? Do you enjoy foraging for flowers and herbs? Learning how to properly harvest and dry plants can really help them last a while and preserve their flavor and beneficial properties.


Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Oils To Ease Sadness & Grief

When sadness hits, your energy may be low or you might feel paralyzed.  In these times, you might just skip making a fancy inhaler or spray. Just grab the bottle of oil and take a couple sniffs every couple of hours, being careful not to spill it.  If you’re going to be out and about, a spritzer is nice, as it’s easy to use and less of a disaster if it leaks in your bag.

Essential Oil Essentials: Sunny, Natural Perfume Blends For Spring Scents

It’s spring!  (At least for those of us here in the northern hemisphere.) It’s a great time to make your own seasonal perfume blends to celebrate the return of green. Spring brings to mind rebirth, flourishing, moving forward, and movement in general.  Any of these can inspire a great-smelling, natural blend.  Or you can center your perfume around one main essential oil. 

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Aromatherapy & Self-Massage With Balancing & Soothing Essential Oils

Menopause can trigger uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. The following recipes contain essential oils to provide some relief in balancing emotional stress, surges of heat, and sleep deprivation.

The Botanical Dog: 4 Heart Herbs For A Healthy Hound

Did you know that at least 10% of the dogs in the U.S. suffer from heart disease?  The rate is even higher in elderly dogs (my old chihuahua has the beginnings of congestive heart failure), and in certain breeds.  Breeds with a susceptibility to heart issues include chihuahuas, along with basset hounds, lab retrievers, German shepherds, golden retrievers, boxers, rottweilers and others.  If you have one of those breeds, it’s not a bad idea to start support early and, of course, to make sure your dog is checked out by the vet regularly. 

5 DIY Lip Scrubs For Chapped Lips

Winter is here so you know what that means: chapped lips! Along with drinking plenty of water and applying lip balm, you should also be using lip scrubs at least once a week.