#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 83


Gate Pose/Parighasana


Stretches spine and sides of body.

Opens shoulders.

Stretches legs.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting up on knees. Pull one leg out, point foot outward and place hand on same side and lean into the leg. Other arm comes up over head and gently leans with the rest of the body. 

Back is not curved and or arched.

Shoulders are back and away from ears.

Leg that is supporting body is as straight as possible.

Shin and top of foot is flat on floor and pressing down.

Leg that is to the side is straight and toned.

Foot is pointed outward and away from body.

Common Problems:

Straight leg is bent.

Back is bent forward.

Head is dropping backwards or forwards.


Can be done on blanket.

Leg that is out can be bent at a right angle for easier balance.