
Fortify Your Relationships Under Libra New Moon

The Libra New Moon is the time to focus on your relationships! Whether your relations are good or bad, this is the time to decide how you would like them to proceed in the future!


Avoid Impulsive Action Until After Harvest Full Moon Friday Sept 13

It will be a very busy day on the Harvest Moon (Full Moon) of Friday, September 13—which you may notice is also Friday the 13th! 

In addition to the superstition associated with Friday the 13th, the planets will be forming a tense T-square in the sky (2 square angles or 3/4 of a grand cross) under this Full Moon. This portends the feeling of being at a crossroads. Or, if you don’t feel at a crossroads, you may feel you are missing a piece of information, so you cannot necessarily move forward or back. You may feel temporarily stuck.

Communication Delays Likely Under Leo New Moon

The New Moon in Leo occurs on Wednesday, July 31, just 46 minutes before Mercury completes its retrograde cycle. With Mercury in Cancer in retrograde at the moment of the Leo New Moon (8:12 pm PDT/11:12 pm EDT), this celestial line-up portends delays in communication—either in delivering communication, receiving communication, or formulating an idea or expressing an idea. It will be important to have patience!

Practice Peace & Harmony Under The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On July 16

The July 16 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falls into a complex T-square pattern that is certain to provoke hidden tensions inside yourself and in your personal relationships. 

The July 16 eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica, where its effects will be strongest.

Vedic Astrology For March 24-30: Everything Is Actually Just Fine The Way It Is

Have you ever been in a difficult situation or circumstance where you can’t necessarily explain why, but you feel like it’s a natural process that for some strange reason just needs to happen and so you’re ok with it?  This is a great way of explaining the nature of the energy of what is happening in the sky this week.  There are a couple of different factors to explain here to understand why this is the case.  There are some things that I have been discussing for awhile that have been ongoing—such as Saturn conjunct Ketu and Mercury being retrograde.  There is also some

Vedic Astrology For February 17-23: Mars Brings the Passion

How apropos that we have Mars entering into the sign of Taurus right around Valentine’s Day.  In Vedic Astrology, we know Taurus to be ruled by the planet Venus.  With the presence of Mars being in Venus’s sign, we have a connection of these two planets.  When we have these two planets connecting their energies, one of the indications is passion.  And what better time for this connection, right?  With that being said, let’s look at why this is the case and get a sense of the bigger picture of Mars and Venus’s connections.


Vedic Astrology For Feb 10-16: Surrender To Reality & Dive Inside

Mercury and Venus are two planets whose energies works together to help us in our ability to make decisions.  In the zodiac, they are never too far apart as their orbits are closer to the Sun.  Very often, in fact, they are in the same sign and conjunct.  At times it seems like they are inseparable and their energies are very synergistic towards each other.  In Vedic Astrology, they are known to be mutual friends towards each other which means that each’s natural characteristics and qualities complements those of the other.  Now let’s look at how they work together.

Vedic Astrology For Feb 3-9: Venus, Saturn & Self-Worth

When thinking of Venus, the concept that often comes to mind is the process of valuation.  This is all about assigning worth to something within the context of the environment in which it exists.  In a common sense, valuation is often associated with property.  But with Venus in consideration, this context of assessing value and worth is more about what brings comfort to one’s life and joy to one’s heart.  This is a very personal sense of value and worth that each individual holds dear.


Vedic Astrology For Jan 20-26: Shedding The Comfortable

This week we have Jupiter and Venus coming conjunct to the exact degree in the sign of Sagittarius.  I will discuss how these two planets interact both individually and together and what this can indicate.  I’ll also cast it in the light of the eclipse that is taking place this Sunday, January 20.

Vedic Astrology For Oct 21-27: Sun & Venus = All Work & No Play

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Oct 21–27